
We love to meet together every Sunday from 10:30am for a time of worship, teaching and prayer. These gatherings are where we sing songs to God and seek His presence, spend time in the Bible together and pray for each other.

Our meetings are informal, we sit around tables and we start with some tea, coffee and biscuits for a chat beforehand. We also finish with some tea, coffee and biscuits for a chat afterwards! We really value friendship and community because this is also what church is.

Home groups
At the moment, we have a men’s group and a women’s group that meet at different times during the week, where we look at the Bible together, encourage and pray for each other.

Prayer meetings
Prayer is vital, and so whenever we meet together we actively encourage this. Once a month, usually on a Friday evening, we set aside an extended time to pray together.

Whether it’s going for a walk, hanging out at someone’s house or going for some food, we like to make time to build friendship and enjoy life together.

If you’re interested in finding out more let us know – get in touch via our contact form.