‘Sanctify them in the truth, you word is truth’
These are Jesus’ words from His prayer in John 17:17. We want to know truth and to be changed by the word of God, the Bible.
Everyday, so many things compete for our attention and tell us how we should think, how we should live and how we should be. As a church, we want to be grounded in the truth of what God says and live in His grace.
We love reading God’s word, and this year we’re reading through a plan together as a church.
The Bible is an overarching story about God’s rescue plan for humanity. God sent His Son, Jesus, to do what Adam, Israel and we ourselves have failed to do – honour God and obey Him fully. Every book points to our saviour, Jesus, and we want to know Him more.
This year, we’re using a Bible reading plan going through the New Testament, reading some of the psalms with an Old Testament reading too. We’ll be using a pattern called BREAD, developed by King’s Cross Church in London. The plan we have is an adapted version from Gateway Church in Poole, Dorset. We’re grateful to both churches for creating resources to enable churches to read through scripture together.
Reading the same scripture together encourages us, strengthens us and sustains us.
Jesus says ‘I am the bread of life’ (John 6:35). He invites us to eat and to be satisfied.
Come and eat with us, as we encounter Him through His word together.